
Load population data from the Eurostat bulk download API

A table of content is available on the BulkDownloadListing.

import pandas
def read_eurostat_bulk(bulk_file_name):
    """Download a file from the Eurostat bulk facility and read it into python
    url_base = ""
    url = url_base + bulk_file_name
    df = pandas.read_csv(url, delimiter='\t', compression='gzip', header=0, encoding='utf-8', skiprows=[1, 2])
    col_to_fix = "indic_de,geo\\time"
    if col_to_fix in df.columns:
        print(f"Separating '{col_to_fix}' in two columns placed first.")
        df[["indic_de","geo"]] = df[col_to_fix].str.split(",",1,expand=True)
        cols = df.columns.to_list()
        df = df[cols[-2:] + cols[1:-2]]
    return df

# For example load population data by country as seen in 
pop = read_eurostat_bulk("tps00001.tsv.gz")


The python package Eurostat can also be used to load Eurostat data. It loads from a different source based on SDMX files. The first column is separated in two and the accompanying letters besides certain lines have disappeared.

import eurostat
pop2 = eurostat.get_data_df("tps00001")